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My Friend

June 10, 2007 § Leave a comment

He drank XXXX, I drank pineapple juice.

I listened to his ‘home life’, he listened to mine.

We talked about the hardship that our families went through so that we can exist.

I listened to his ‘history’, he listened to mine.

We talked about secrets and the joys of youth.

I listened to his ‘present’, he listened to mine.

We talked about the profound beauty and deep sadness that accompanies love.

I listened to his ‘future’, he listened to mine.

We talked about our hobbies, and the concept of job security.

He tried to explain to me the concept of ‘Han’.

I tried to to explain the history of multiculturalism in Australia.

We talked about the very nature of love, and how differently our separate cultures deal with it.

We touched glasses, shook hands, exchanged a hug.

I have a new best friend.


February 22, 2007 § Leave a comment

rabbits are smart in korea

unless you sing a song which means the exact opposite

i will watch hair, whilst simultaneously changing the colour of my own

i thought the day would never come when i decide to write an essay for my own benefit

nothing on this journal should be mistaken for the extent of my writing ability

the person next door is either:

a) delivering a lecture

b) listening to a lecture

c) some combination of a and b

d) asleep, and there are voices in my head, speaking in korean

Who ate my chocolate?

February 22, 2007 § Leave a comment

“Who ate my chocolate?”
Said the Jeremy to the Penguin.
“I don’t know,”
Said the Penquin,
“Apparently though, I have opted to spell my name with the silent q option, rendering it as the phonetically correct, ‘pen-oo-in’, or, as I like to stress, ‘penwuan'”
Jeremy mused.
“I would still like to know who ate my entire block of Cadbury Caremello, that I purchased at Sweet Space on my way home form the Chim Chil Bung for W3,500…”
“Maybe it was consumed by your subconcious as you WikiWalked your way into an InformationOverload”
Penwuan suggested.
“Or maybe, harmonic overtone singing has whittled away my subconcious self to a bloody stump, and I should have been in bed an hour ago”
Ventured the distressed Jeremy, now listening to the seminal track, ‘Satan’s Saxophones’ by his soul-mate, Sufjan Stevens.
Concluded Penwuan (who wishes it to be known that he neither exists, nor wishes himself to be mentioned in any context outside of this forum, and furthermore, a search of Wikipedia for ‘Penwuan’ results in precisely NO MATCHES).

Good Morning Starshine.

February 17, 2007 § Leave a comment

It has been well documented that I have requested the following items to follow me around / sit in the corner of my room and perform for me at regular intervals.

A European Boys Choir
A Black Gospel Choir
A boy playing the marimba and/or mbira (thumb piano)
A Korean woman singing folk songs / Playing a Daegeum
A Tuvan throat singing ensemble

And the most recent addition:

The cast of Hair (any cast) singing the following song:

Good morning starshine
The earth says hello
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below

Good morning starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we sing
Our early morning singing song

Gliddy glub gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La la la lo lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le le lo lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba naba
Early morning singing song

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